Friday, February 5, 2010

Endocervical Squamous Metaplastic Cells And Cancer Is This Ovarian Cancer That Has Spread To Bone?

Is this ovarian cancer that has spread to bone? - endocervical squamous metaplastic cells and cancer

I'll see an oncologist in 7 days. I had someone say that it (cancer of the ovary, a treatment center for cancer), but the oncologist does not answer the question until I come. My uterus is enlarged measures 10.2x5.5x6.7 cm. ulteasound one shows 7x6x5 mm left posterior cyst. ndometrial tape measure 11.6 mm. left ovary measures 3.1x3.0x2.3 cm and 2.1x1.8x1.6 cm contains solid test results are presented in the endocervical nodule.pap and / or squamous cells. I am honest answers so that you can receive appropriate treatment. I'm not stupid, I know that when you referred to an oncologist cancer usually end suspect. She said he had ovarian cancer cancer.I pain in my lower back for several months and swelling adominal in the region. Please, if someone can me the information I apperciate.


Anonymous said...

If you have been associated with ovarian cancer, a center for the treatment of cancer, then you probably have ovarian cancer diagnosed.
Your oncologist would be irresponsible to answer questions without checking it is certainly closer to your appointment.
There is nothing that he wrote suggesting that spread to the bone.

Anonymous said...

If you have been associated with ovarian cancer, a center for the treatment of cancer, then you probably have ovarian cancer diagnosed.
Your oncologist would be irresponsible to answer questions without checking it is certainly closer to your appointment.
There is nothing that he wrote suggesting that spread to the bone.

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